Privacy policy

I take your privacy seriously. Please find below my policy concerning your data.


My newsletter is opt-in only. When you sign up, your email address and IP address are collected by Mailchimp as per their privacy and data collection policy

I use your email address only to send you my newsletter. I will never pass it on to anyone or sell it. You can unsubscribe from my newsletter at any time. There is a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of each email I send. You can also request to see and/or delete the data I hold on you.


When you comment on my site, any data you provide (email address, website address, name) is recorded by with your IP address. Their privacy policy is here. You may at any time delete or ask me to delete any comment(s) you have made.

If you contact me using the contact form on this site, I will only use your name and email address to reply to you. I will delete both afterwards.


If you sign up to receive notifications about my blog, will record your email address. I do not have access to this information.

Followers may unfollow at any time, using the button on the website. You may ask for all your data to be deleted at any time.


This website collects non-personal information about visitors when they visit the site. This information may include the browser name, means of connection to the site, and other non-identifying information. I may use this to look at general patterns but for no other reason.


This website may use “cookies” to enhance visitor experience. Typically, cookies may be placed on visitors’ hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. Visitors may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to send an alert when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of the site may not function properly.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy or anything else on, please contact me (Joy Lynn Fielding) at